Monthly Archives: June 2010

Party time!!

Unbelievable. I had two gatherings back to back at my place before the work term officially started.

Thursday: The unofficial gathering. We did not plan for this at all. Ger had a taste for some udon and mussels so we went to buy ingredients after training. After a menu of mussels and fried udon was set, we thought to have more people over to feast with us and so we asked Yv, Leroy, Mich and HH over. Yv and Leroy were resting from clubbing and we had alcohol here. Killing two birds with one stone. We managed to catch HH and Mich just done with class. Good timing I must say. Mich brought casper along and I saw another side of that little poodle of a dog. The first time I saw him was when after he came back from the farm, that day when I went over to Mich’s place to get the NT dollars from her for my parents’. He was such a sleepy fellow then. All he wanted to do was just to get some shut eye, snuggle between arms and wished that he wasn’t brought down to meet me lol. When Casper came by that day, boy did he make Meekey and Gromit exercise their butts off. The three of them were having a jolly good time runing and barking and teasing. Casper was teasing and tauting Meekey like he was the bigger dog and frankly it was amusing to see meekey running and barking so much. I am betting Meekey had fun too. If not, knowing him, he would just snort and ignore by going to sleep. Meekey barked cos’ he was excited. Very excited. I had to stop the whole play date though. It was very late into the night. However, the session continued the next day when casper came by again. This time, Gromit overcame her fear of the poodle and chased him around too. I suspect she was playing follow the leader, the leader here being Meekey.

Friday: The official potluck gathering. I had a few people whom I have not seen for a while over to my humble no-parents-around place for food and drinks. It was themed unofficially Vodka night. There was home made mussels, mushroom soup (yup, Ger’s special made from scratch mushroom), spag with tomato paste, marinated chicken wings. Besides that, Jackson brought pizzas, Zhi huan smoked salmon and mango vodka, Clarissa and Adeline brought the famous Apollo banana leaf fish head curry. A lot of food don’t you think so? It was good seeing and talking to everyone after so long. I did not drink any alcohol though. Ok, I did drink a little but just to try the cocktail hanson mixed. It was rather nice, refreshing. Now I know who to handle the mixing of drinks during party le lol. It is you, dear hanson boi.

Overall, the parties were good. I have a feel I will be having much of such parties when I get my own place and seriously, I am lookin’ forward.

Time to stock up on the alcohol stash!

On the day mum and dad went to Taiwan

Mom and dad have gone to Taiwan for their pre baby holiday. No, I am not getting another sibling hahahaha. My sister is delivering in August so my mum and dad reckon they’d be pretty busy helping her with the little one, hence they decided to go for a trip before the new member arrives. I am back to the time I lived on my own outside and lovin’ it. lol. Doing housework (my brother helped a little) and having to cook my own meals cos’s there is no food waiting for me when I come back at night. mad actually I know. Who had do housework and say they like. I mopped, washed, cleaned, cooked, fed, made sure everything was alright. Even walked the brown one because he needs his daily shit session. I guess it gives me the feel of having my own place. I cannot wait till next year when I get my own place and I like the thought of that. The housewife side of me rearing its huge head you say? I say, let it rear yo. Welcome welcome!

Just back from Taiwan last Friday and have been sleeping alot eventhough today is like day 05 already. Not sleeping long hours but sleeping as and when I am able to more often than usual and feeling the need to lie my head down after food. Traveling can be so tired hahahaha. But I enjoyed the trip. The food, things to buy, sceneries, people. Simply fab. I am rather impressed with the Taiwanese, their graciousness and hospitality. Something I find seriously lacking here in Singapore. Even in myself. They are so polite and courteous it makes me want to be a better person like them. So hence I will do my best. Anything I can be, I can pass it on. So if you have been blessed with the above mentioned, pass it on! Pass to me! hahahhaha

Anyway, the pictures and blog updates are going to be up soon. This trip has been a good one for me. Both spiritually, emotionally and mentally. It reminds me how fortunate I am to be here and to be appreciative of everything that I have or had before. Oh, another thing for sure, we (the four of us) will be and are probably much tighter now because we have seen things other people might not have whahahahah and what it is, I am not telling. Shhhhhhhh…

I took a short nap after eating a mushroom and cha sui bread yesterday afternoon followed by diet A and W. The Z monster came and took me. I dreamt that we were somewhere at block 123, near Sjeting’s place. I remember the place because I saw the hills there. Casper, Gromit and Meekey were there too. Meekey was as usual being a naughty dog and All of us were there – Sjeting, Isaac, HH, Michelle, Gerlyn and me. Then I woke up because Sjeting and Isaac came into the house. It was so real and vivid I actually thought they were here already! What a dream what a dream.

On a random note, I saw on TV how a pig who saved her owner from a heart attack session became a celebrity but lived shorter than expected after that because it was fed too much by passer bys and suffered a heart attack. Ironic.

That’s life for you.

Have a great week ahead nevertheless.