Monthly Archives: May 2010

Riddle of the night

You are driving along in your car on a wild, stormy night,
it’s raining heavily, when suddenly you pass by a bus stop, and you see three people waiting for a bus:

An old lady who looks as if she is about to die.
An old friend who once saved your life.
The perfect partner you have been dreaming about.

Which one would you choose to offer a ride to, knowing very well that there could only be one passenger in your car?

* You could pick up the old lady, because she is going to die, and thus you should save her first;

* or you could take the old friend because he once saved your life, and this would be the perfect chance to pay him back.

* However, you may never be able to find your perfect mate again.

So, what’s your choice?

While waiting for a slow week to fly by

The weekend that just went by was good. It started on a Friday when we went over to Yvonne’s chalet bbq birthday celebration. I cannot even remember when was the last time I ate food grilled over charcoal. Ya, it is that long since my last BBQ. a year close to two. I don’t consider it BBQ if you sit in a restaurant and eat from the middle of a table. If I did not remember wrongly, it was also at downtown east. Or was it the one at that place in sembawang. hmmm… anyway ya, so we went, ate the food and they drank. I did not because 1. My livers told me not to 2. I drove 3. Am so not a beer drinker 4. Miss Hyde comes out and wants to randori when lim soo ee is high. Anyways, I particularly love the sausages. Nice. It did not really occur to me the difference between a sausage and a hotdog until Sjeting mentioned what I had in my hand was a sausage not a hotdog then I heard a TING! go off in my head and the thoughts starting mashing. I can be so retarded. Especially when the brain is in shut down mode.

Met a few new friends. Leroy, Alyson, Nelson, May and a few others whose names I do not remember. I finally got to meet the leroy. The nice person I have heard so much about. Alyson is one fun person to be around. She and G were playing card games then G dared her to put on a skirt. There was none available so guess what she did? She used the room towels as skirts!! And to make boobies, she stuffed some stuffs into her tee shirt and all without much persuasion! Not only that, she even let them snap pictures of her while she was in drag. It was hilarious. No wonder Leroy said that she was her happy pill. I don’t mind her being my happy pill too.

Too bad I had to work the next day so had to leave before the party started. I reckon, sleeping in a room full of people playing card drinking games was so not going to help me sleep. I did not want to go for tuition looking like a panda and smelling of grilled meat, beer and smokes. I left G there though. She was happy. Very happy. hahaha.

Happy is good.

The next day was saturday. I woke up, drove to pick the happy person up and came back to woodlands. I saw a rainbow that stretched all the way from Pasir Ris to woodlands. Ahhhhh… niceeee .. if I wasn’t driving on the TPE I would surely stop the car and take a picture. Rainbows are a sign to me that good times and good days are around the corner. I had contemplated calling gromit rainbow but then I thought it was too gay a name to call a black pointy earred dog. It is something for a maltese or chihuahua. You know, those cute looking toy dog. Gromit is considered a toy dog but she is a big dog in a small dog body and I would like to think of her as not in the same class as malteses. No offense. hahahah .. in my defense I like all dogs. Really. Anyway, so after going back, then going to earn my keeps, the day passed and ….

night came and I finally, FINALLY, got to watch a show ahead of most people. Usually before I get to watch a show, this would have watched and comment, that would have watched and discuss plot and many others saying good or bad or look out for what to watch. Anti climax ya. So I am pleasantly happy I got to watch it before everyone else. We watched Shrek 3 at Yishun. We had actually wanted to watch it in woodlands, woodlands being where we were all at at that moment in time but alas! tickets all sold out. Bleah! So Yv checked the tickets at Gv and hey presto! we got ourselves the tickets and off we went. Only four of us went. wahahahahah.. the little one had to work the next day so she declined. The other two were too tired.

Sunday as usual, there was judo. ahhhh my love to a start on a sunday. After that, work again and we closed! Cash rolled in. After judo, Mich went with HH to soft straight her hair so we gathered back with them after cashing in. We went to eat bak kut teh! Not too bad, coming from a non pork eating person. To think I don’t eat the flesh but love the insides. I feel the one at whampoa which G brought me to the other time was better. I like the soup spicy. This, the soup was not so spicy but the you tiao very nice. The intestine too. Youtiaos in soup is nice. I think I ate most of the you tiaos.


So that was the weekend. Eating, eating and more eating. Eating is best coupled with judo. Nothing beats the combination. I like!

Hello my name is Soo

Of late, I have been mingling with humans, something I have not been doing frequent enough to warrant expertism but I thought to share what I do know and have obeserved. Disclaimer is that it does not reflect what the real situation might be.

I used to think, friends are defined as people you spend time with. You meet, have fun, maybe talk a little and say good bye at the end of the day. As I grew older, I sort of redefined that. Sure, I still do hang out with people and spend some waking hours with them and at some level, talk to them but what I really want out of a friendship is to be able to grow together and form bonds. Growing together means we share stuffs in our lives, the good and the bad, the happy and the sad and learn from each other, support each other and of cos’ in the process, develop trust for each other. Deep bonding tells me I will always have them around me, somehow.

Idealistic maybe but I think it serves as a healthy guideline for me. I am tired of spending my time with people thinking them people are chums then at the end of the day, I realise that it is a one sided love affair and there are actually so much I DID NOT know about them NOT because I did not bother to find out but because they were afraid to tell. Afraid of what, a million reasons beckon. Another thought could be that they did not think I ain’t worthy enough to share their problems and frustrations. Snorts.

In all ways, I will continue to seek.

What we do know

“We are taught a lot of stuffs growing up, that someday we will meet our very own person in our happy ending. Every movie we see, every story we’re told implores us to wait for it, the third act twist. The unexpected declaration of love, the exception to the rule. But sometimes, we’re so focused on finding our happy ending, we don’t learn how to read the signs, how to tell the ones who want us from the ones who don’t, the ones who will stay, the ones who leave. and maybe this happy ending doesn’t include a wonderful guy/gal. Maybe it’s you, on your own, picking up the pieces and starting over, freeing yourself up for something better in the future. Maybe the happy ending is just, moving on. Or maybe the happy ending is this, knowing that through all the unreturned phone calls and broken hearts, through all the blunders and misread signals, through all the pain and embarassments, you never, ever gave up hope.”

– Excerpts from “He’s just not that into you.”

Everyone should watch that movie. I think love should be like that. People should be together like that. People should move on like that. No wonder there is FOL.

To you love love love cannot stop

I went to watch Aaron Kwok last Friday.

Wait. Before anyone starts screaming “what the hell is wrong with you!”, I wish to state that I have never gone to a cheena concert before, even Jay’s and I damn love his songs, I do fancy AK and his melodies, so why not? At least I wouldn’t be bored to the bones sitting there the whole two hours. I was thinking, it had be a mass karaoke session because I do not remember ever going to a concert which required me or the other fans to sit and just watch. I remember jumping and singing along fervently.

When AK first first came out into the world, I have always made fun of his two finger movement to that 對你愛不完 song. Hilarious. I remember my sis and I will always emulate him and roll in pain from laughing too much. And that hair was omg. Not to mention his vow to remain a virgin. But as the years go by, I realised he has matured pretty much alot. Gotten better in the fashion and hair department though the mandarin still sucks. He even played the piano during his encore concert. The movies of late that he has acted in have quite good storyline. Though I have stopped listening to his music like many years ago, good hard work I must say, to the movie selections. When he came out as one of the four heavenly kings, he was the one with the least talent, so AK, well done.

The concert went on like all concerts. Fans cheering, him belting out songs after songs and so typical of chinese concerts, the change of costumes after costumes after every few songs. The highlight of the concert was the 360 degrees revolving stage. I kid you not. It really revolted 360. I was like, wow. And it reportedly costed 450 million to build. gosh. But don’t know in what dollars.

Frankly, the rest of the evening went without more highlights. I was hoping for a grand finale like him falling off the stage and dying there and these with fans gaping in horror and forever being remembered. Right here on Singapore soil. Like so many famous ones before him. I was a little disappointed. He was still very much alive when we left. We left before the whole thing ended after he sang his “that song”. To avoid the crowd and cos’ my butt hurt from all that sitting down. I took home with me three giantic light sticks. I was glad I got to hear some of the songs that I spent my love struck adolescent years with and to this day, they still move me ya. And I realised I knew quite a lot of his younger years songs. I am such a closet cheena. *lol*

Human ties

It seems to me that, as I age, it seems harder to be able to find people to hang out with. Not any Tom, Dick or Harry but good people to have good conversations and activities with. Distractions like family and work comes pretty much in between. I can’t I got to work. We can’t cos’ we have something planned. Work is hell. I have markings to do. Weekends are packed blah blah blah ya ya ya and the list goes on and on.

When I was younger, we came together and clicked easy cos we were in the same school studying the same subject and so we are pretty much together not by choice most of the time. On top of that, we were all still unsure of what we wanted and not very comfy with ourselves. So we just bong and bounce and when we unite, we stay close in order not to be sighted as an entity. Entities get arrested by the society police.

Strangely, as age caught up with me, I became pretty confident of who I am. I know where I stand and how I am seen in the eyes of others. This is a good thing but in turn, I become rather particular about the people I hang out with. I have tried, the past few times to hang out with people I have lost contact with or people I have not considered hanging out with before. The experiment bombed like Hiroshima.

In short, I think, certain traits in people attracts us to them. These traits makes us comfortable when we are around them. Safe. And that is why we hang out with them. More instinctive than a need to conform and be seem normal infront of the society police.

Also, time. When we stand together in time together long enough, that bond that forms holds us together. Not just standing. Standing against adversities, pain, hardship, shit and all the bad things out there.

Starnge isn’t it? This human with human relationship thing. At times, it still bewilders me but I know I am slowly working it out. I hope life does not end me before I get to say Eureka!

Courage and honor

Any fool can have courage, but honor is the real reason whether you do something, or you don’t. It’s who you are and maybe who you want to be. If you die trying for something important, you’ll have both honor and courage. We should always hope for courage and try for honor. And pray that maybe the people telling you what to do, has some too – The blind side