Monthly Archives: January 2010

This is still a funhouse

I am now the official editor of

We are now in the forth week. I say we as in me and my spirit. My go-forth-and-chiong spirit.

and the adrenaline level is still up. I was pleasantly surprised when a colleague of mine remarked today “wah soo ee nowadays super on ya.” What she doesn’t know is that of late I have been very inspired to do things. I have on hand so many things to finish up and the adrenaline level is still at a record high. I am currently a dog blog editor, a basketball team coach, a taekwondo team coach, an assistant dog cookie flour and ingredients mixer, a judoka, a bible study student, a human neko and a sports scientist. WOOOOooaaaaah!!! The after burn of the nuclear explosion in me really left a bright lighted trail.

the first bible study session I had with XL today was pretty good. She spent time talking to me asking where I am now in terms of christianity and what my thoughts were and what I wanted to know through all the sessions. So mainly we just spoke. It has been some time since she and I sat down to talk. I saw her dog cookie too. not dog cookie as in the can eat one. it is the dog named cookie. the dog is a little shy and when XL left the room to go get me water the dog whined and wanted to leave the room cos she scared of me.. hahahaha .. she had that “omg dont leave me alone in the room with this human” look … but cookie looks very healthy and strong. I think she should be close to 10 this year? she very old liao.. I still remember when Meekey was a puppy I brought him to play with her and she chased him around the room cos he kept wanting to hump her!!! ya he was already a rascal when he was a puppy… *shake head*

this weekend is jam packed. Friday bake more cookies, saturday deliver around, night the usual, Sunday JB, Judo competition and Dad’s belated pig out session.

Phew. I am glad I am on adrenaline. If not, how to survive the mountain of happenings?

oh on a sadder note. A colleague who has been fighting cancer in the late stage has passed on. He is a good person ya. The ever enthusiastic who never fails to respond to any call for help form any teacher who needed manual assistance. Life is indeed unpredictable. Probably it is the accumulation of events like this for the past few years that jolted my adrenaline deposits.

So, life is short. Be happy.

Last week

Last week was a slug feelin’ week. I felt sluggish like most of the time. not the kind of tired as in physically but eye lids very heavy then feel like curling up a corner and sleeping .. Is it the collagen? I drank a bot of it the night before the slugginess. Maybe I will try it this week and hope I have nicer skin now *lol*

At present, my interest is in the audiobooks out there. I am currently listening to two audios (not at the same time ya) one called the wuffle factor, about using social networks like FB, twitter to do business and another to keep people who work for you with you for as long as they can, to make people feel good working for you. No top dog ambitions. Not in there anyway. *lol* But I have visions of transforming the present team into a better one. one with leaders and members willing to commit to make good. With Hanson and Kok Leong, that vision is possible. Even more with the upcoming leaders. People train top fighters. I shall train them to be leaders in their own rights. yea. and make the new team love me enough to want to fight basket ball wars with me side by side. because they still have 3 more years to fight.

the birthday dinner to celebrate lao pa’s birthday was ok la. he was happy of cos hahahhaa though we did not get to feast and stuff ourselves till we burst (postponed) the cake was nice – kaya pandan cake from bengawan … my sis says next sunday go eat buffet woo hooo… eat again wor.. the last update from my dad a minute ago was copthorne. The place with the kick ass buffet spread. I think.

Blah blah blah

The weekend is finally here. Let us clap our hands together and welcome the glorious immaculate weekend. *clap hands*

My ten cents

I guess everyone needs a word of affirmation every now and then. even me. I do not get it at work. neither in the world outside. some parts. and frankly, sometimes it just gets me down so much that I give up trying to stand up.

since everyone thinks that way why bother? I will just be what they think me to be.

Sometimes I wonder, why can’t I just be less stubborn and just submit myself to what other people see me instead of trying to prove I am far better than what they freaking make me out to be. Yes, why can’t I be less stubborn? Why do I waste so much time and effort to be a better person when no one sees even the possibility of that happening.

Sad isn’t it? Just really heart wrenching.

but submitting just isn’t me no matter how I look at it.

Back to the drawing board.

on a lighter note, this has been a good week. tiring but good. imagine I laid down on the bed yesterday and just dozed off. I had wanted to talk to the shgf but did not manage to =( will make up for it this weekend. I managed to deliver what I was tasked with. even though it was not necessary for me to do, the end product looked fab. I really am good at taking pictures *lol* and I simply love taking photos. went for a really inspiring session in NCC yesterday too. Guest speaker. good thoughts instilled in me. No wonder people like coming here. Morning coffee sessions with an old time friend is in the works. I really do need to get out more. Any takers?

So looking forward to the appreciation night on Saturday. love the judo people. they really are a nice bunch of people and you can really feel the warmth ya. really. I love the sense of belonging. Sensei Lee spurs me in a more positive way. I will live and die for Sensei Lee ya *lol* such strange ways the world revolves.

oh yes, the basketball practice this morning was not too bad too. I realised the eeoos kids are really power ya. they are so much stronger than the basketball kids, mentally and physically. I think it is because of the pep talks I have with them. hahah .. some use to the audiobooks from NLB wor ..

so, shall do the psyching for the b ball kids as well. I am excited ya. this is like something totally new to me, coaching the b ball team. Playing b ball and coaching a team is totally different. Have been reading and researching loads of. oh and I have a few rug rats in the team who have discipline problems in school. I do hope playing b ball with make them better kids, as what some of the kids in eeoos tkd have become. like this boy BD. he is notorious in school too.. when we do warm up he didnt follow just stand around and looked bored. so I asked him to run around the b ball court for me. after that I asked him why did he want to join b ball and he said cos he want to play with other schools.. he didnt look the attitude kind just lost and confused and scared I think.. the not tough must act tough cos this is a dog eat dog world type. he told me he didnt do cos he did not know how to do … and I think he genuinely meant it. so I gave him my brain washing pep speech …. then after the training he actually took initiative to help me keep the equipments. so proud of him.

now probably need to instill the mentality of discipline in training and get them mentally psyched for hardship … so .. jia you to me bah … I want to be a lion rather than a sheep leading a team .. in this case, two teams ..

This is the way it will go.

Dog gone sunday

The title of this should actually be bake Saturday because it was on saturday that the little one ad the shgf baked ho ho ho but nevermind that. Yup, after a long break the two of them finally got started on baking again, in 2010. Made blueberry muffins, chocolate cranberry almond combo muffins and snacks for the dogs – carrot sticks and apple drops. the name suggests what the snacks contain. the snacks tastes really nice and sugarless – yes, I tasted it. If we are to mass produce it, I have to know what to say when dog owners ask me how does it tastes like, right? anyway, they are healthy snacks and if they weren’t dog snacks I swear I will finish them *lol*

Thought of the day

maybe I am becoming cynical but no one knows how to say thank you anymore. no one becomes friend with you cos’ you have a common interest and more cos’ there is a “value” attached. everyone lost their manners. they have no vision for tomorrow. wasting life in drugs alcohol and parties. not vacation working anymore. and I am talking about the next generation. and these are our future? gosh. what happened ya?

Domo notebooks

Bought these in Thailand for super cheap price. and they look fab ya. The cover is glossy one ..

line up of my domo notebooks


Frankly, I can’t help but envy people who has no responbilities in the world or choose not to have any. all they care about is having fun and when moonies is required, they just need to put out their hands. so shiok ya. and they get to spend what they want do what they want. what a damn good life.

my, my, what green eyes you have.


well, not everyone can do that. I respect that as a league its own and I am way out of that league.

I love what I do. with the responsibilities. it gives me a sense of purpose and something to look forward to everyday. I do not like waking up everyday in mundaneness and just passing the day. I like waking up in the morning, spending some time with myself before heading out to fulfil my responsibilities. to impart, share the world, my knowledge as best as I can, to push teams to excel to their maximum potentials, to expose to new sights sounds and feels .. and the list goes on …

their educators must have failed them.

That, I will not do.

I will not fail in my responsibilites to teach responsibilities.

the proximity of reality is a little difficult to bear. I must not let that happen again in this generation.


totally inspiring.

It should be about all of you. not about me.

I am sorry along the way I lost sight of that.

I remember now.


Let’s do it.

I want to roar

it is not easy to break out of your comfort zone. people will tear you down, tell you you shouldn’t have bothered in the first place. but know what? there is not much difference between a stadium of cheering fans and an angry crowd screaming abuse at you. they are both just making a lot of noise. how you take it is up to you. convince yourself they are cheering for you. you do that and someday, they will.

I believe that much is true.

So peeps, sleep on the negativity.

Tomorrow’s going to be a great day yo.