Monthly Archives: September 2009

Late night thought

You should watch Nang Nak, if you have not.I watched it on Okto just. I watched it before on the big screen. Watching it again filled me with a lot of emotions as I thought about love, humanity and well, life.

Mr Choong and me

I heard Alanis Morrisette’s music played on the radio and it brought me back to this time in my life many moons ago. Mr Choong and I used to go to this pub at boat quay in our hey! days to watch this band Iguana do live covers of Alanis Morrisette because the lead sings like her. So melody-ed. Over Black Russian we would talk and make fun of people we both knew and he would tell me those he had crushes on but who had spurned him. Simply, he would just speak his mind and I would just listen. I was more interested in the singer in stage and it was too tiring to be carrying out a conversation in a pub. I know no one who sings like her on stage.

Mr Choong and I went to AM’s concert too once upon a time and we had a wild time there, singing along, shouting encore and dancing like mad. Me, acting like mad is expected. It is him acting deranged that is both funny and incomprehensible. Totally cool and inhibited. Too bad Woodstock scenarios are not allowed to exist in Singapore.

Sometimes, I wonder where the hell is he now. I miss those days of dancing with Black Russians and words of “wisdoms”. Up to now, I have yet to find an equivalent substitute for him. A male species whom I can extract vital life information from. *lol*

Wherever you are buddy, know that you are missed!!! *downs the Black Russian*

My hidden talent is …

We did the High School Musical dance routine today. I got to admit, it was not as bad as I expected and to my horrendous surprise we can dance to we are in this together! Aint that great to know? This could be my one time shot to stardom. I shall religiously practise the steps at my work station, in the bathroom and whenever and wherever I can. And when that day descends upon me, hopefully I can bring glory to my inhibited fame genes.

I am now ash coloured with blonde streaks lurking in between the ash colour, which will may reveal themselves in few days/weeks/months (?) No idea but what I know is that I love my new hair colour. A break from the usual brown red and blonde. I have no idea why I feel so but I think I look like a vampire with the colour. *lol* maybe too much input, what with the four book series, true blood and diaries of the vampire. But truly, the vampire stuffs I have been reading/watching of late are quite interesting. some parts any way.

anyway, back to the hair. I know the colour will fade into something really nice. Ark really is very talented and good with hair ya. Too bad this aint the holidays yet so the brightness of hair cannot be too obvious. If not, as suggested by my dear sister, with a pair of blue contact lens, I would really look like I stepped out of an anime!!
Taking picture of the hair does not do it a favour so sorry, no pictures.

it is the little one’s and the SHGF’s turn to morph tomorrow .. ROAR!!!

Take heed. Dont say we did not warn you.

Are you kidding?

I was told we were going to put up a high school musical performance (sort of) on CD day. tradition has it, we are to monkey ourselves for the entertainment of them because we have been giving them a hard time year round and now karma has come to kick our asses.

I almost fell of my chair when I saw the clip we were suppose to do. omg. this is not only making a monkey. it is a total anniliation of respect.

God, please save me.

Confessions of a TV junky

I am a self-professed TV series junky. I watch everything from weeds to samantha who to the vampire diaries to gossip girl to CSI the mentalist and the list just spins on. I just never thought I would be glued to the TV for taiwanese dramas. another surprise change in character? *lol* maybe. good influences and no less. I have been envolving alot of late, for the past six months at least. Who knows, maybe in another few months, I would absolutely love the colour pink. hah! riiiigghhttt..

Anyway, I have been on the heels of this TW drama called “life fated I love you” direct translation la hahaha… it’s about this rich guy (Cunxi CX) who accidentally had a one night trush with an innocent village gal (xinyi XY)because he was sort of duped into doing it thinking it was his girlfriend (Anna AN) who was in bed with him. for one I have no idea how such a thing can actually happen, especially when the other supposed person is suppose to be your other half. unless of cos they have not been at it at all then wont know. or that he displayed that guys think with their … the result was she got pregnant, going to bear the baby for the family then this and that, AN came into picture and this and that he finds XY a nice girl and melts his heart and the girl XY falls for him then have miscarriage then XY goes off to another place with her admirer (Dylan DL) becos XY was heartbrokn by the way CX treats her and now he wants her back because he cant forget her for the two years they were apart but she dont want him back because she is afraid he would break her heart and all these while, the gf AN is trying to make it work between them when in the first place she did not treasure him but now she does cos she realise she does. and DL actually brought XY to shanghai with him but she still cant forget CX after such a long time.

Complicated? yes, and very drama with a capital D. I have been following the show on nights where there is no criminal mind, CSI or the mentalist on TV and I dont feel like watching suki and ben running around going crazy waiting for the vampire diaries episode two and stopping the temptation to watch gossip girl season 3 without you. And surprisingly, I kind of like it and though I have stopped myself from taking notes while watching the show, I have taken mental notes of somethings, like it is good to wait in love, because it doesnt fade over time. what fades is probably just infatuation or attachments. We should accept people as who they are and love is about accepting the imperfections. Last but not least, true love prevails and if we want someone that badly we should not stop fighting for the chance to be with that person, unless of cos, love is not reciprocated.

I heart to admit it but it is really heart and soul invirogating, in a very sad and sick way, to know that love does exist afterall. and it will prevail because it was made to be resilient to the core!!! eventhough it was on the googlebox, nevertheless, it was hope and hope in any form is good.

Now, I hope.

The new moon

I bought the whole book series yesterday for my dear and after looking at the trailer for the new moon saga, the books are going to be my new reads for the next week or so… looks interesting, the trailer but I bet the books will rock the socks off me but..

Will you go on a date to watch this with me? =)

I learnt this on TV

“In love it is natural to have doubts about one’s ability.”

so, what do ya all think?


Here I am, sitting at 1am staring at the blog site thinking of what I had wanted to write earlier on, while waiting for the clothes to finish spinning in the damn washing machine. Finally realised what is wrong with it. The so called high technology piece of many symbols cannot spin and will jam when the clothes in it are not balanced on the drum. like say if left side of the drum got more wet clothes than the right, the unbalanced will cause the machine to come to a halt. so much for high quality products. isn’t it suppose to be artificially intelligent?

While waiting I ate half of what was left of a dragon fruit, the one with purple insides. they taste better than the normal translucent ones, watched the remaining series of episode 6 of True Blood. not that nice. starting to get irritated with the suki and bill romance. Frankly, I think the vampire diaries is better but I only got the pilot and was told it just only started and looking for season three of Gossip girl, this is urgent because I cannot let another lay their hands on it before I do!!! My happiness lies with it, so as to say.

I hear the machine beckoning me to it. Time to hang the clothes and head for snooze land. I am so GD tired and I didn’t even exercise today!!

This used to be my playground

Alas! The holidays have finally come to an end. Yesterday went to Chomp Chomp for late dinner with the shgf after her viewing in Hougang. Finally got to meet the friend that she always has been talking about. Most of the times they were talking and me listening.

Over a dinner of fried prawn noodle – not nice not the correct stall not the starchy sticky kind which is kick ass, satay- fabulous, it is rare to find satay in that kind of texture. is it the work of technology or is the master satayer really good? the rice was good too, firm and well, I love the rice and the peanut sauce was, yumz, BBQ chicken wings – tastes the same everywhere, juicy and nice, oyster egg- nice and spicy and the oyster so so juicy wor.. and the meal was sealed with a nice bowl of mango milkcurd- nice, soft smooth tasting but a little tate too sweet for my taste. Full full full!!! No pictures though to salivate all your tastebuds because I was not ready for Chomp Chomp.

After dinner we took a little walk because our tummies were filled to the brim. MV did not want to eat due to personal reasons and we had to finish all the food between us *burp* I wanted to show them my ah ma’s old house so we took a walk up memory lane. Unfortunately, we were not able to. All thanks to the clubhouse and dont know what that sprouted up along the walkway and completely blocked our way to the other side where the little house on the hill stood. So much has changed here ya. This place used to be my playground when I was young, with the Lim warriors – me and sis, brother was a little young to be warrioring with us then so most times he was not around and he was around till much later. We would run around the area, cycling and playing in the huge drains pretending to be detectives or plucking weed flowers from my grandma’s garden to be used as ingredients for our ‘cooking session’. There were kids there too around the neighbourhood but when you are young, you build an identity and we were atas kids who did not want to share our imagination. and they looked dao too.

We also used to go to the 7-11 to get slurpees and sundaes, either by taking advantage of our nice father- finding excuses for him to bring us out to the TIMES bookshop or by begging and pleading with the mother. Then that’s the second hand bookshop that we used to spend hours at, the least being two hours because we would sit and read and browse. usually not allowed to buy the books but sometimes our cute faces soften my dad. hahahah.. oh .. yes then there’s the supermarket right at the back where there is this girl with a dog large coin donation thingy by SPCA. I remember the last time I was there, about four to five years back it was still there.
OH yes, how I miss those day wor. and time passed can never be back again. The house was sold when the lady of the house passed on. they built something in between me and my memory. To think I used to dread going back there to stay during the weekends because my mother said she saw my grandfather’s ghost sometimes when she was there and being the chicken I am, it absolutely freaked me out or the fact we all had to squeeze in my uncle’s room to sleep making the stay uncomfortable. Now, come to think of it, if I had the chance to revisit those memories again, I would surely not hesitate.

Sometimes in my dreams I would be back there again, being the child I was and it was all too real it sometimes hurt. Childhood really is fun. And you can only have it once.

*Madonna singing in the background* “This used to be my playground, this used to be our pride and joy, this used to be the place we ran to, that no one in the world could dare destroy”