Monthly Archives: December 2009


Peace isn’t a permanent state. It exists in moments, fleeting. Gone before we even knew it was there. We can experience it at any time.. In a stranger’s act of kindness. A task that requires complete focus. Or simply the comfort of an old routine. Every day we all experience these moments of peace. The trick is to know when their happening so that we can embrace them. Live in them. And finely let them go.


I went for judo today. yes!! after a hiatus of like two months I finally got to do some action instead of watching and thinking about it. it feels good. really good. eventhough I only did the minimum. especially after a mind numbing day of meetings, meetings and more meetings. I am so glad I am not working in an office. the lunch and tea break was good though. love the tea break especially. yummmmmzzz…

sensei was especially happy to see me, his favourite pupil and G, his loved pupil. hahahaha.. and I was happy to be rolling here and there …

after judo, went for suppner (supper cum dinner) with the newly converted judo-kas, HH and mich at newton. they have come to join us. yea! welcome to the world of throws and rolls. you will love it.

had good qing teng which was queued up for by HH (thank you!!). hard work. it tastes good with alot of liao. the rest of the food was alright only. I like the carrot cake black with extra eggs. they always tastes good black with extra eggs. *lol* they had a little discussion about the upcoming TW trip and me? I was just being my greedy self with the food. oh and I finally passed them their xmas pressies. and the empty hammie cage whch Meekey has been stalking the past few days since it has been here. he must have thought there were inhabitants within. maybe the hammies’ ghost remains.. Two more people on my list, hanson and XL. Must catch them soon. XL called me to ask me where I was earlier on when I was in school but I was still not able to leave yet so didn’t meet her. Her pressie needs the fridge so we have to arrange again.

last thought for the night, 2010 is closing up on me. two more days then it is good bye forever 2009. there is a multitude of thoughts flying around in my mind and soul now but the body is calling for me to please go hang the clothes in the washer and sleeeeeep!!! another long day tomorrow. so I shall do as it says, since it did not let me down today during judo.

I am strong 的. undeniable. and I shall fill these pages with my words for 2010.

watch this space peeps!

Thailand I love you

JB hiatus

The holiday event of the year is drawing closer. xmas is tis’ the season to be joyous. one more day. frankly, I do not celebrate xmas but somehow, I like the thought and feel of everyone gathering together for food and drinks. So I sent out smses, to people I love, to people I have not met for a long time and to people I have got to know just recent. gift exchange and good food good company. it is going to be a full day get together event!!!!

was in JB yesterday with G and me. We had a fulfilling day there eventhough there were a few hiccups. namely, the weather and traffic. rain rain rain. jam jam jam.rain jam, jam rain. but luckily for us, those subsided after a while. met up with Da bao, G’s cousin and he was our official guide the moment we saw him. all three of us went to eat at this place called Kim Gary HK restaurant. not too bad, the food there. the atmosphere too. but it was suppose to be HK style but it didn’t give me the HK feeling. maybe that’s why I was a little disappointed to not see chou tou fu on the menu. I admit, I was being a little too daring to expect that on the menu *lol* I had sort of a hot plate meat combo (which I thought was more western than HK) and they had noodles and rice (which looked more authentic than mine).

after eating, we went to cut hair. I meant, I went for a hair trim rather while the both of them watched me cringe and flinch with every snip. I blame bad experiences with hair dressers for the trauma inflicted within. but this hair dresser from FOX salon was surprisingly not too bad eventhough her salon was empty when we arrived. DB went there often for hair cuts so I took the leap. she made me very happy cos’ she kept my side burns and did not take off too much all around. I was tempted to color my hair but a week from the new school term did not seem logical so I gave that thought a slip. In june.

after the hair cutting, G went to do her nails while DB and I walked around the mall. there wasn’t time for me to do mine as well. He is a sweet fellow, offering to help me carry my stuffs even though I was more than able to do so myself and accompanying me while I searched for gifts. eventhough I told him it was ok that I am roaming alone. He was afraid I would be lost in the big complex. (do I vibrate the lost sheep vibes?). bleah~!!! and boy, does he know alot of people. He was hi here hi there with people while we walked. haha..

I finally managed to get the gift exchange gifts and the door gifts for Friday’s party but not for the people on my list. will manage that later. after that, we headed back to G because it was nearing time to go watch our movie. we were to watch bodyguards and assassins. she was not done and had in fact got cut by the manicurist. OUCH!! I think the gal was inexperience and she was nervous and flustered a little after being reprimanded by the seniors. ouch. I feel the pain lor. the hole is rather deep.

we arrived a little late for the show but in all, we did not miss much. the show is alright. more action fist fighting towards the end. the movie was mostly about that Sun Yat Sen, his arrival in Hong Kong and when he left it. I don’t really mind watching historical shows depicting heros dying for their dreams but the title is a little misleading. I thought there had be a lot of fight scenes. Wanted to see Donnie Yuen twisting some fellow JJS style. Poor Da Bao. He was so bored. there was no Jay Chou in the movie that we watched. He wanted to watch the one with Jay chou. So did I. Throughout the movie, I was suffocating mostly. The guy infront of me had BO. so was the guy on my left. Throughout the show I had to keep myself from retching, several times. in all, the show is motivating in that people are actually willing to die for their dreams. most of the people died in the show. in fact all but three important ones died.

after the show, we walked around a little after changing more money. shopping, you will always need more cash in hand. ha. bought bread, cakes, bodyshop (alot of bodyshop), biscuits, moisturising gloves .. hmm did I miss out anything? then we went to have dinner at hot stone. fab food for fab price. the beef looked really good sizzling on the hot plate but I didnt feel like anymore red meat so I opted for seafood. DB had the beef. G had the combo plate. everything looked so good. again, price so fab. Imagine in all, it was only around $40 sing. damn, where can you eat hot stone at that price here? At the end of dinner, we were all happy people happy with our meal, shopping and what we did at the mall.

after eating we bid him goodbye and made our way back here to Singapore. tired. happy to spend good time with you.


it has been some time since I last wrote in these spaces. hope I fill up enough of it to entertain tonight.

Just back from my sister’s place. my father gave me the wrong direction and we ended up on the CTE. *lol* luckily I checked the address and map before we set off. a good habit I learnt from you no doubt. if not we might end up in town. but I can tell my father is a little hyped up tonight, so his sense of direction went as well. I think he is very pleased I am going there with them. I do not know why it makes his day that I went with them but I am glad it did.

sis is alright. have started on bread and soup yesterday. she was on soup only the past days before today. the procedure she described to me made me cringe. it surely made me think twice about going for the wisdom tooth surgery which I had contemplated doing because 1) the food lodging in between the teeth involved is causing me problems and made my breathe pungent 2) the five days of MC is alluring 3) early termination might not have complications. maybe the week before CNY. then I would have a long holiday and not have to entertain relatives asking me THE question. I would not even have to go visiting or using school as an excuse to not go and have my father’s face black black. hmmmm… anyway, she borrowed three Dvs from me. good choice of DVs. I like 9.

the past week since I have been back from the land of smiles has been tiring. good thing my mind blocked out the tiredness from all the traveling, early days late nights and shopping and I was able to continue walking. nevertheless, it was a good trip because
1) I finally got to eat my mango rice, which I have resisted eating for the past year because the ones in SG sucks, the mango retardedly small and so bloody ex. was on a mango rice rampage while there. the ulcer is worth it.
2) I found in Mich and HH two very sporting and adventurous traveling companions. hope we can go on more trips together. love you gals. love the way we eat. the way we travel. the way we buy. the things we like. the crazy pictures we take. the two of them make very good traveling companions if I say so myself. would you two like to travel with me again? *wide smile* I know I would love to.
3) I got about six pairs of shorts. woo hooooo… to last me a whole more year and that is making me very happy because the shorts in singapore are super expensive and I had regretted not buying more on the last trip, for a whole year. regret for a whole year is really hard to bear. and dog treats. though I spent like close to $80 on dog treats, what you calculated is true. one pack here costs like 10 sing. that makes to about 8 packs before hitting 80. I now have a drawer dedicated to storing dog treats. too bad I did not manage to convey to the shop owners I want vegetarian dog food and not just any dog food.
4) I discovered wii and it has been a great pleasure.
5) last but not least, my relationship with you has sort of taken a new turn during the trip. good turn I should say and I am glad.

anymore, I shall reserve it for later…


oh yesterday I woke up very early in the morning before dawn feeling the creeping feel I always have when all is silent around me and it upsetted me so I decided to pray. and know what? it actually calmed me down and I could go back to sleep. yup. thought I had share. the last time I remember praying was before going into the arena to plum my opponents. praying calms me. and I know how to do that a very long time ago.

hello land of smiles

is it that my taste buds have grown atas over the years or has cartel gone to the dogs? their bread sucks. they slice it up and the bread is of low quality. I should think I have eaten enough bread to tell good quality (delifrance bread) and low quality (60 cents bread) and the not fresh ones. the butter sucks. not salty at all or is it cos’ I had too much scs butter. scs rates 8/10. the ribs was not too bad but outback has better ones. warm nice ones with really good side dishes. the one at cartel has only coleslaw. even the salad is gone case. the chicken is not as nice. the veg tastes lifeless. the cheese has no taste. the eggs are like cooked over many times. sucks sucks suuuuuccckkksss!!!! should have gone to fish market instead. fish is healthy.

generally, everyone looked the same. speaks the same. I am comforted to be surrounded by old friends. people whom I know I can rely my life on and not have to fear. James was sickly but still as crappy, in a good way. Pat is, well, just pat and my old friend looks tired but happy where she is. There is one more missing. I told them too of my intention to take up theological studies. I am motivated not so much by the purpose to know God but to have the knowledge to make people who bullshit about the bible and God slap themselves. Pat said who knows, I might just be turned. She could be right but for the moment, I want to be knowledgeable enough to know everything inside out. I am sick of being told things and not being able to refute because I have insufficient knowledge. It is time to fight back. In anyway, I just got back my bridge mojo the people at Mac told us no card games. spoiler. now my bridge mojo is bursting out of my body. I want my bridging. We broke party because our bridge party at Mac got crashed.

I am off to the land of smiles tomorrow. hopefully, the trip will bring me some peace of mind and not remainders of stuffs I do not want to remember. I lost my cool a little yesterday. toothaches and headaches are a bad combo distraction. Shall not do that anymore. the nonsense and crap generated is slowly seeping away from my system. just have to keep telling myself this is all just a mind play thingy. from tomorrow onwards, it will be the sand, the sun, loads of Thai delicacies and shopping!!! looking forward to the little one coming to join us next saturday. really miss going out of singapore together, she me and G and in the future, there may not much of such activities. oh well.. wipe out the negative thoughts and enjoy the moolai…

life is indeed short, especially for me.

The day the world turned red

pretty messed up ya. I am thinking the same thing myself too. by the way that’s my blood you’re looking at and that’s my blood splatter. I kid you not. it is not poster color. damn stupid too why that came about, which I will not regale here. ask me if you please to listen. yes I am still alive.

anyway, the little one was to come over to make balloons and discuss our balloon venture but we went out to eat before we even started because she hasn’t had dinner and was craving for duck rice. I already had soupy vegetables and a few pieces of tou fu but I welcomed the fresh air. the duck rice stall at block 300 plus. duck rice stall was closed. so was the chicken rice stall. she really not lucky. so she settled for lor hiang. expensive shit. a few pieces on the plate for $6 plus. but then again, lor hiang has always been expensive. do not know why too. it is just a few pieces of fried stuff together. and I noticed they don’t serve the pink sweet stuff together with it anymore. YV came over to have dinner with us because she was on her way to the clubs and she was hungry.

and now I am here wide awake after dozing off immediately I came back from the dinner. three things I hate about being awake at this unearthly hour (@3am) are 1) gastric onset 2) gastric is coming 3) I feel my gastric juice bubbling. hellloooo gastric … be good today alrighty? I promise you good brekkie tomorrow before I go off to school to finish off the damn paperwork. it’s driving me nuts. not helping is the fact I have to be there on thursday as well. and maybe Friday. &%$#…

fate and destiny plays the act only once. there is no rewind button hidden anywhere for emergency purposes. but if I had a choice, if I really had a once more choice, I probably would do things a little different. make things a little different. want things a little different. feel things a little different. but we are all given only that one chance sometimes. if we screw it, well, then we’re screwed for life.

I iron me

it is ironic we hurt the ones who love us,
love the ones who hurt us,
ignore the ones who adore us
and adore the ones who ignore us.

three cheers for irony.

bottoms up.

Almost puking peanut butter

I hope we did not spoil the market for surprise parties. If we did, well, too bad. I don’t really care.

too much nutella brought about ulcers and what not. nutella on warmed bread tastes really ooooohhhh… but for now, no more nutella and bread. I bought a new supply of delifrance bread though to finish finish off the kaya and scs butter before flying off to thailand. if not, the fridge is going to be one big fungus house when I come back. or the butter’s not going to be there anymore.

I cleaned out the Antarctica in my room fridge on Sunday. hard to believe but the ice that I removed filled out almost half a basin. some of the stuffs that was in the ice compartment was partially engulfed by the ice. I kid you not. when I said engulfed, I mean really eaten up. so taking the advice of the domestic leader of my household, I wet the area with water then proceeded to pick the ice using a knife. and a can of coke.

and I made a pizza with the remaining pizza base on Monday. Monday’s was a success. this time, I heated the pizza base in the oven for a good 10 minutes till it turned a little soft, then spread pasta sauce, added the chopped ham sausage on it and added mozerella cheese all over plus some pineapple from the leftover fruit cocktail for the almond jelly, dumped it into the toaster oven to bake. it was not california pizza good but it was tastefully edible.

seems like the whole week’s pretty much about food.

time to carry forth my resolution to heck care don’t bother and do as I please…