Monthly Archives: February 2010

As the older person amongst you I would like to say

Well, it is that time of the year again. the time when I wake up and think to myself hmmm so how old is it this year? very old. So I guess there are somethings I can say because I am older by one year and I am the oldest around in the groups *lol*

Go get a blackberry.
I finally landed my hands on one. I have always wanted to own that nice looking cool phone. Over the years, I have been reading reviews of the gadget and salivating. even before all that jazz about the iphone started. no doubt, an iphone is fascinating, what with all the suave scroll screen and apps, the blackberry ranks high on the list of kick-ass-get-my-balls-rolling phones. Bye bye Nokia. Forever I hope. Hello Blackberries. now, in my hands after such a long wait.. ahhhhhhh …

You know who is the one when you will brave fire and hell.
Of late, a dear friend and I have been talking. more exchanging tips on relationships. he has found the woman of his dreams and is on the chase for the could-be love story of his life. Through all the texts and information exchange with him, I realised that in the past one year, I have actually gained alot of insight in relationships and the likes. with the love of my life. Through the past year plus, we have been through hell of alot (and I really mean hell. I had rather be naked neck choked by a semi naked fat sweaty man then have to go through it) but I would say, it is all worth it. I know I would never have so much fun without you.

Friends are people who share their lives, feelings and thoughts with me. I go a long way with sincerity.
I have learnt what it really means to be able to tune into the minds of my lovely friends. to talk to them and understand what they are feeling, thinking and hoping. things really do look and feel different when you adjust the lens. So I need to look through the lens in order for us to go a long way.

Go back home today and show your appreciation to your parents.
I make it a point to eat with/talk to my parents at least once a week. even simple things like watching TV together, waking up earlier to catch a glimpse of them before they head out for work. the times I have missed out running around are regrettable and gone but I will try to gather what I can. I know they miss me a lot all those times just that they never told me. My parents are especially happy when they get to see me. I did not realise my parents are so old already. The other day I watched my mother while she folded the clothes and I saw how much she has aged. all the wrinkles and saggy skin. and my father too. the heavy set of a happy man happy with his job and the brown dog at home. I feel really bad being away from them so much in the past ten years. I am glad I still have the chance to make things better. Do it before it is too late.

For the friend who is not here anymore, my door is always open so don’t stray far yea.
Recently, I have been estranged from someone whom I have always regarded as a family. I now have no idea what she is thinking about, what’s going on in her life, and was it me or her that changed over the past months. I am sure it did not just happen overnight. Along the way, things must have happened that I did not take note of. And I feel really bad about it.
They say people do change when they are growing up and finding their own identity. Maybe her idea of that falls far from me.

Don’t fret about things you cannot control. Love and live life.
I reckon some things, you cannot completely stop it from happening. All you can do is slow down the apocalypse that is accompanying it. In the process, just hope and pray that the people involved gets enough to handle it.

Save money. You will never know when you’ll need it.
I recount all the times when I had to do surgeries, pay for things that I do not expect to happen and pay for my future. and I imagained if my parents hadn’t instill in me that virtue, I would at most times be left handicapped, frustrated and depressed. So ya, thank god.

Be thankful to be living in Singapore.
I would not say the living here is what I had in ideals but it is better than most places. Not many places abroad you can find security, the government doing everything they can to make us happy people, the great variety of food places, the numerously alot rubbish bins, clean streets, everything within an arm’s length, the up education standard. That is not to say I don’t have my one cent’s worth but for now, I am thankful.

Own dogs.
They are the best comforters when you are sad and need a smelly body to hug or walk with. I know because I have two really smelly ones.

Don’t let your heart rule your life.
Many times in the past I have let this ruin many things I could have it good for me. Head over heart is the way to go.

Find that balance between work and play. Find time to read and rest.
Many friends I know are burnt out before they even hit 40, some even 30s because they do not know how to balance the both. Too much work is not good because it tires you out mentality and physically, neither is too much play good too. The key is to find that balance, before you lose yourself. Losing yourself is much harder to find then time.

Part II@Peppermint park

Hacienda – Part I of the Pre-birthday epic

Thank you all who came with your well wishes and good well. Love ya all very much yo. It has been a pretty long time to be celebrating and frankly, birthdays, I thought, would always be the same. But nevertheless thsi year, once again I am taken by surprise. All because I have you peeps to make it a delightful special occassion. This year, minus the usual gang of HH, Michelle, Sjeting and Ger, I have Sensei Lee (who, by the way, is my beloved master in judo), Zhi Huan (my jujitsu buddy who always lets me throw him to practice my throws), Page and Chris (the two ever lovable duo), Guoxiang (the well groomed gentlemen), Hanson (the self-professed boi boi who was my chauffeur for that night while the yellow monster took a break), and last but not least, Xl and Huey (who made a guest appearance, treated me to another mojito on top of Hanson’s and went back home).

And on this night, this quote stands.

“A friend is one who knows us, but loves us anyway.” – Jerome Cummings

To more years together. Cheers.

The fence and me

heart 1 mind 2

and it shall stay that way. I got too caught up in a matter of late and let myself stray away from the fence I was suppose to be sitting on. So now, I wash my hands and quietly return to dwell on the fence. I shall remain on the fence unless truth comes forth and embraces me. for now, I will take whatever I am told as hearsay and whatever hides from me as deception.

this almost became unforgivable.

My piece for today

This is why I read the devotionals.

“And let us not lose heart and grow weary and faint in acting nobly and doing right, for in due time and at the appointed season we shall reap, if we do not loosen and relax our courage and faint.” (Galatians 6:9).

This about sums up what I have decided to do.


Tiger roaring year

This week has been fun. I mean, who would say CNY isn’t on the fun list *lol* All of the gatherings has been good. In most, I managed to contribute to the personal fund of the people present *but all in the name of fun ya. People who know me knows I never have a winning streak when I gamble. I have a 20 year record to prove that fact. Well, come to think of it, it is like a blessing in disguise and a prayer answered. I was hoping, before the CNY came upon me, that there will not be any gathering this year because I am so not prepared for meeting relatives. and their questions of happiness in matrimony, joy in children and prosperity in abundance. I am one for happiness. just that to explain the whole process of my thoughts and feelings on what happiness is to me, to them, us a waste of time so yup so the four days were spent mostly with friends. and it was a good one.

Oh well, I will just let the pictures speak the thousand words.

The day before the tiger came upon us

I wrote this while watching a documentary about deadly sea creatures

What is your name?

Last person you kissed?

Do you hate being home alone?
no! I love blasting the music, screaming the lyrics and pretending I am infront of my adoring fans.

Where did you get the shirt your wearing right now?
my sister’s company advertisement tee

Last place you slept?
the chair at my work station. took a power nap. cannot take it ya the tiredness.

Do you have a best friend?
I have a bff yes =)

Did you straighten or curl your hair last?
natural curl.

Does anyone disgust you?
fat *toot*

What will you be doing in 3 hours?
check whether the food in cafe world is cooked, check email, watch tv, rest my throbbing head, miss someone

Will you be in a relationship in the next couple months?
hahaha yes yes of cos’ …

What’s most stressing right now?
my cholesterol clogged blood veins. no kidding. my body lets me know when my cho level is too high.

Have you ever let someone be your everything?
no. I believe in the half and half makes one theory.

What makes you the happiest?
randori!!! ROAR!!!!

Last time you cried?
when I was watching some show. On Sunday I think.

Have you ever felt like you weren’t good enough?
Yes of cos’. it is in wanting to be more that we will strive for better.

Are you a jealous person?
I think so. but I usually just tell myself to trust. in the past people misused that and made me a fool a couple of times but I will and want to keep doing that. being jealous eats you alive inside.

When is the next time you will kiss someone?
Maybe tomorrow or Friday or this weekend bah.. heh …

What color shirt are you wearing?

When was the last time you had your heart broken?
my heart is fragile ya. so break easily. so many so that I cannot remember *lol*

What are you doing right now?
kneeling infront of the lap top typing out this thingy while watching some documentary about cone snails having venom that they use on their preys. cool. and they hide in shells. be careful when you pick up a shell on the coast of aussie.

Are you happy right now?
The throbbing headache trumps the heart.

Who did you last hug?
Gromit and Meekey simultaneously

Where is your phone?.
on the fridge.

Do you like rollercoasters?
hahahah love-hate relationship. I love the adrenaline rush and screaming but I hate the anticipation. So damn OMG GET IT OUT OF MY CHEST!!!

Last thing you cooked?
Huat kueh with egg. I was hoping it had make my day a huatful day. sadly, don’t have.

Are you happy with your life?
Quite but can be better. I earn enough to live comfortably with a yellow monster, dinner dates with the lovely person, treats for dogs, buying stuffs for people I love and travelling. but more needs to be earned for the nest fund. so JIA YOU!!!

Is there anyone in your life who has changed your life?
Yes with a capital Y. Alot of people have changed me along the way but you have changed me the most =)

Why did you last cry?
feeling emo while watching a movie. so tear lor.

Anyone ever broken up with you the day after you had sex?
hahahaha no .. hahahahhaha …

Are you a mean person?
Yes I am. I am only nice to people who are nice to me.

Did you talk to someone until you fell asleep last night?
no. too tired to talk. just bathed, did some work and then went to sleep on the sofa.

Who is your last text from?
melvin, my in-training AI.

Last song played more than three times?
“no air” sang by the glee crew. Love that song.

Last time you were really happy?
this morning

Did you take a nap today?
hahaha in school today at my work station.

Who got mad at you last?
no one I can remember .. wait. I think it was G. *lol*

Last car you were in?
The yellow monster.

Where are your parents right now?
in the living room watching some artiste cooking competition.

Could you use some sleep right now?
yes. but too full. so cannot sleep. sleeping on a full stomach is bad for digestion.

Does someone love you?
of cos’ I believe everyone on earth is love by at least one person. on earth or not.

Last time you had butterflies in your stomach?
When I took part in the judo competition last year and had to face this gal who looked like she was heavier than me. Heavier is not a problem. Looking more ferocious than me was a nerve wrecking experience. It was a great experience losing.

Any plans for tomorrow?
Basketball training for the kids in the morning. work. then training with the EEOOS kids. night time relax and watch TV. wash clothes.

What’s the last thing you laughed at?
Gromit’s silly bimbotic antics.

Who was the last person you had a deep conversation with?
Hanson. Other than the one.

What was the first thing you thought this morning?
Why is it still so dark at 7am?

What color are your eyes?

Name something you dislike about the day your having.
the terribly erratic weather, raining one moment then shining like madness.

Have you ever been cheated on?
sadly, yes. sob sob.

Are you dating the last person you talked to?
no.. not dating my parents *lol*

Are there any posters in your room?
have. dog poster. and many mini ones.

Will you be one of those old people with 11 cats?
no. I don’t like cats much. 11 dogs no too. My house mate will murder me.

What happened last night?
extremely tired. went visiting. MJ accompany. home. do work. sleep.

Do you know anyone named Joshua?

Your phone rings. What is your ring tone?
no air by jordin sparks

Did you go anywhere yesterday?
yishun. marsiling. then block 335.

Do you have plans for this weekend?
have not planned yet.

Where’s the last place you walked to?

What’s bothering you right now?
why am I feeling bloated

What were you doing at ten last night?
at Lim HH house finishing her pineapple tarts *lol*

I bet you miss somebody right now?
ya lor sob sob

Is there someone you want to see?
heh …

Whose clothes are you wearing?
My own la.

Where were you at 2 this morning?
Sleeping on the sofa outside.

When was the last time you laughed really hard?
cannot remember. Laughed was when I heard Jackson talking about somethings yesterday. The wit is unmatchable.

What’s the 10th text in your inbox say?
hanson telling me what is in his head

This time last year, were you single?

Did you wake up in the middle of the night last night?
not middle. is at 3am. for the love of my life wor.

What was the last thing you drank?
plain water.

Are you wearing a ring?
nope. maybe in a year’s time I will.

Have you ever walked on the beach at night?
nope. got sand flies.

Have you ever overflown a bathtub?
hahaha yes.. my grandmather’s. Lucky her bathroom was really big. So did not create a tsunami.

Dogs+CNY goodies

All rounder

I used to be the one standing on the left. Then I got thrown rather harshly, from my perspective, to the right side of the fence and suddenly, by some quirky play by fate, I found myself in the middle of everything.

This is truly one hell of a learning journey.