Monthly Archives: July 2009

Winter winter go away

Life can be like a harsh winter sometimes. What we can do to ensure we survive the cold winter is to hold on together and know that we can never die because of the faith we have inside us. The winter will not last. Summer is going to be here soon enough.

Just believe it will come soon.

I have the best hobby

Life is essentially about food and eating ain’t it? seems so to me that my weekends are filled with them hahaahaha

What has monster done?

I had my Thailand fix yesterday morning. woo hoo!! The little dragon bought for me mango rice wor from Plaza Singapura. After sitting in the refrigerator the whole night because we couldn’t meet up to receive the mango rice, it finally landed in my digestive system. Thank you many many.

ahhh.. the Adam Lambert version of Mad world and a couple of 周杰倫 songs like 不能說的秘密.. though I still prefer the older version of Mad world, Adam’s voice is heavenly and he makes a good lullaby singer.. So soothing and.. OMG!! I want to scream Come to me Adam!!anyways, all thanks to my beloved pal Nat who gave me all the songs. Love you man forever and ever more till death do us part.

Finally got to satisfy mine and the SHGF’s fondue craving and curiosity, in a little place tucked in a corner of Dempsey Hill. Dried tomato cheese fondue and $75 seafood plate. The entire meal came up to abt $160 plus.. EXPENSIVE!!! hahhaha but is a good experience. I like sitting in a romantic setting, piercing mushrooms, broccoli, french beans, bread with a fondue fork and tasting the cheese. I would have the wine if not for the not my favourites there. Not to mention the cook it yourself semi sashimi plate. I know, I know, the salmon is suppose to be grilled too but I prefer it raw. Who’s to say nay? I have a mind to try the chocolate fondue the next time and I am so not a chocolate fan so you know how intrigue I am of the whole concept of forking food and dipping it volcano lava style. So primitively exciting ain’t it. Chocolates give me ulcers but I will ‘fondue’ it!!!

Not much on today. Tiring tiring day of running around earning the bucks for the nuts under the tree and training future fighter beings. The SHGF came for training today. Love it when she is around. Eye candy ya hahahhahaha though she was frowning most of the time when she was there. Is it the cement floor? I must get someone to carpet the basketball court.

Did not go out to play today. Saving up for tomorrow. May we have the sun at its best tomorrow. Please por pee us.

I am watching Ice age now. Like finally.

What the flea

The flea market experience on Sunday was great. The little dragon, the SHGF and I loaded the yellow monster to the brim with all our (mainly hers *grin*) not-so-often-used-anymore stuffs and off we went to China Square. I had actually thought the stall space would be air conditioned. Imagine my horror when I realised it was not. Being under the sweltering sun (eventhough there was a tent) was not my idea of fun. Fortunately for us, we were situated near an outlet which blew out cool air every few minutes so the little dragon and I just sat and enjoyed the coolness. wahahaha talk about being ‘heng’ ya.. anyway after we set up stall and started pedalling our stuffs, we got ‘attacked’ by the neighbour stall. They were first friendly when we arrived, probably thinking ‘what are all these chee nas doing here with their half-bucket goods? Look at our Adidas and limited edition. We sure ham-tam them one. So, smilllllleeeeee and die you pigs’ … then, when the SHGF whipped out the pen, which ancient scholars have regarded as a weapon, and wrote down her decree of death for them, a silent war was waged. Our price was low Low LOW and we had swarms of bargain seekers forming bee lines for our stuffs. The weapons they threw consist of supposedly innocent remarks. To the layman it was innocent but to the masters of sarcarsm their remarks came with poison darts. Of course, being of not the same race as they, we did not understand their language but the occasional ‘bitch’, sniggerings they threw it was obvious they meant for the darts to be poisonous. Probably being idle got to them and they were trying to pick a bone with us. They did not get our bone, the SHGF being a peace loving entity, the little dragon not hecking and me, I was halfway in between brain shutting down and eye lids wide open. We ignored them and continued slashing our prices. slash! slash! Slash! It was fun watching them flinch everytime the weapon of scholars was unsheathed. They should have realised that people come to flea market to look for cheap cheap stuffs, not unlimited editions at $80!! Then when alphabets did not work against our force field of protection, out came the evil eye. From the guys and gals alike. Each time the SHGF went out to slash the price to a lower denomination, I notice they would gather to the front of their tent pretending to gather to have a smoke but secretly eyeing our spoil market prices and cursing us inside their narro hearts. That did not happen for just once or twice. That happened like every 15 minutes. That was like so ‘wow drama sia!’ I was amused by how the pen slashing could make the monkeys jump. We continued to not do anything to reciprocate the adversity. The SHGF unleashed her powers and enchanted the bee line people. In the end, we made sales while the neighbours whipped flies. The provocation failed. The evil eye failed. They lost the battle and we won, with a pen. *clap hands* The ancient scholars were right. Battles can also be won without violence.

Even I made a little hahhaa selling my beloved collection for $5 for 3. Eventhough the heart ache, I knew they had to go. Most had flown back to Singapore with me on SQ flights mind you. But they are not the most loved la and they were cluttering unnecessary space. Mosted love falls in the category of Akira, scar face and such. So, I hope the not so loved ones found a good family. 10 of them went away from me. I made $15 from them.OMG!! I sound like a child peddaler!!

Anyway, I do want to thank the neighbours for such an entertaining day though I hope our paths will never cross again.

Well, after a day of evading the evil eye and transiting between wake and sleep mode whilst trying not to bash hard core bargainers in the shape of PRCs and capturing photographic moments, we of course had to end the day good with a feast and where better than the paper wrapped chicken at Boon Lay. Recommended by the great chef herself, we could not refuse. Yumz. Besides that, we had cereal prawns – oooo so nice the cereal so crunchy, metal plate dou fu with egg – normal and the fried rice – yummy with the small fish fried and the type of rice I like. Firm.

Sundays are always good days and I love all the Sundays so far. Sunday should be spent this way and no other, with love ones. woo hoo!!

A short film to share

For those of us out there who have been loved to the core by our parents and who have forgotten that our parents are not going to be there forever

I have something to say

The one still here, breathing air, is the one with the greatest burden to carry for the rest of his life. Blood on his hands, the burden is not a light one to carry. especially for a crime he did not intend for.

Sympathy does not see him. I may come across as being unsympathetic and disrespectful, but truth is, my heart goes out to him.

I am sorry he has to live with this.

@one am

I had an emo session with 王傑,張學友 and the king of China rock 伍佰 I felt like the fourth heavenly king. it has been some time since we got together. I wouldn’t classify the session as fun but anything to get my mind out of the trance it is in. We might be here for a while. Sorry for the ruckus.

Love all

1. Each one of us is valuable. Each of us has a value in us. It is that value that creates in us our identity. When we forgot we have a value, we condemn ourselves.
2. It is important to love others but unless you have received love, you cannot love. Start today by giving.
3. Parents might love their children but the way they verbalise it is important. Parents often associate having good results as the children being good and when poor results show, the child is condemned as a bad child. As time goes by, the child automatically has it in them that if they have results, they are of value but when they have none, they wonder, do they then lose their value to their parents?
4. We have to give people we love an identity. So that they will not be lost and be away from us.
5. We must learn to place values in things that are around us, giving more value to things of greater importance.
6. Life is about relationships. What you want people to remember you for.
7. Everyone of us has a value. We must understand our values and impart these values forward. Imparting means we make the next person closest to us feel the same.
8. Everyone needs a hug every now and then.
9. We want to be forgiven for our mistakes. We want to be loved too. Why can’t we impart this to the ones we love the most? Forgive their mistakes and love them regardless of it. Everyone needs to know that even if they have made a mistake, they are and will be loved.
10. All of us are worthy of love, to be given love. It is our right to be loved. Please, do not feel you are unworthy of love from another. Accept your God given rights yo.

And the grand finale, the best emo song to take away


The best emo song to sing on a rainy day

晨曦細雨 重臨在這大地
人孤孤單單躲避 轉身剎那
在這熟識的路旁 察覺身後路人是你
如一套戲 重逢在這舊地
而彼此不知怎預備 一些嘆氣
跟一串慰問 和隨便說一些讚美

*為何你眼光 年月未變
你說要走的一晚 連綿夜雨 也似這天

#總要在雨天 逃避某段從前

+總要在雨天 人便掛念從前
在痛哭擁抱告別後 從沒再見

而一個我 言詞漸覺乏味
人不知怎麼躲避 終於看見
在這熟識的路旁 那個他靜靜凝望你
而一個你 重離別這舊地
臨走的一刻親近地 輕輕送我
多真摯慰問 尤如逝去當天語氣

重唱 *,#,+,#,+,#

總要在雨天 人便掛念從前