Category Archives: Random random random

General Elections 2011

This GE sees me, the usually politically apathetic me, watching rally videos almost every night since they announced the contest a week ago, reading on facebook the different views and perspectives of the people out there, taking in the words of our ministers, and the opposition parties, being impressed by people from the other side and at the same time, following updates by friends from all walks of life on Twitter, understanding why things have to be done in certain ways.

That is why, I tell myself, waking up at 0445 on the 7th of May 2011 and working till 2100 ++ , it will all be for something good. Something great. Something different. Something worth looking forward to.

It is time to exercise our citizenship rights.

With our heads not our hearts.

Go Singapore people, go.

The simple things in life to rejoice

I’m really happy today. Though my morning and afternoon were a mash of madness, I had an absolutely fantastic training session, had supper with my good friend and lovely, blasted 张学友 songs in the car and sang with him all the way home on a 20% ipod battery life which lasted till I parked the car.

Yeah simple things make me happy.

Like how I like the sound of my new gi washing in the machine. donating to a kid in my class who is also a scout who asked me if I would like to donate to his donation card. eating sushi at Ichiban. watching my mum get excited and wanting to take picture when my niece did a roll. waking up every morning to warm milo. reading a book while eating the garlic bread my sister made for me. coming home every night to scallop and radish soup. eating fried chicken wings with kick ass sambal chilli. sitting on the kitchen floor with my black dog hopping around like a bunny and my brown dog infront of me. sipping nice tasting wine by the boardwalk. learning new things everyday about friends, from friends and from people I am with. having the famous taiwanese instant noodles from a good friend. the weekly adventure with my good friend. chatting with my friends who have grown roots in foreign lands over msn and facebook (I WILL VISIT YOU PEEPS SOON OK I PROMISE!) getting up in the morning and lying on the bed awake. having the chance to be out in the sun ( I will so kayak the next time by hook or crook!) watching my kids grow up into fine people and feeling the pride. being hugged and wanting to give hugs.

The list could just go on.

I need to sleep.

*dreaming of my sugarless warm milo*

Randomness strikes

Spell your name without vowels: Lm S
Your favorite number: 26
What color do you wear most?: Black though I really like white I have no idea why I wear black all the time
Least favorite colors?: Pink
What are you listening to?: The sounds of my air refresher churning out scents

Are you happy with your life right now?: I rate my happiness as 6 and not 9 so that I won’t get flabby and complacent about life so ya, I probably could try a little harder at being happy
What is your favorite class in school?: Literature
Who is your best friend: XL

Are you outgoing?: An introvert who tries to be outgoing
Favorite pair of shoes?: My brown suede shoes from CTC market
Can you dance?: Ya everyone can dance for sure. Just how fab or penguin looking
Can you tie a cherry stem with your mouth?: Never did try that kinky maneuvers

Can you whistle?: no

Cross your eyes?: yes
Walk with your toes curled?: Yes

Do you believe there is life on other planets?: yes
Do you believe in miracles?: absolutely
Do you believe in magic?: I rather use the word illusion or trick of the mind. If it’s that then I believe it
Love at first sight?: No. That’s bogus and can ruin you.
Do you believe in Satan?: When there is good, there is evil too. So I believe in God and the other.

Do you believe in Santa?: I believe there is a man named that who does that for children but I believe him not to be a magical figure but someone whom people have magify over the years
Do you know how to swim?: Yup. I was a late boomer

Do you like roller coasters?: No I don’t like them but would sit in them just for the kick that sets in when I am at the top of the track

Do you think you could handle the stuff they put in their stomachs on those reality shows?: Ya. Ang mos don’t eat the intrails of animals. We chinese eat everything


What is the temperature outside?: 30 degrees plus

What radio station do you listen to?: Class 95 mostly

What was the last restaurant you ate at?: Sushi tei. Splendid delightful economical japanese cuisine

What was the last thing you bought?: Mini X

What was the last thing on TV you watched?: Some crappy show whose title I don’t know
Who was the last person you took a picture of? myself lol
Who did you last webcam with?: Hahahhahaha that was like many many MANY years ago
Who was the last person you said I love you to?: Gromit


Ever really cried your heart out?: Aye aye of cos

Ever cried yourself to sleep?: Seriously who can cry to sleep, what with mucus choking up your pipes and your eyes not being able to shut cos of the pouring tears

Ever cried on your friend’s shoulder?: no. I don’t have a habit of crying on people’s shoulders. I want comfort when I am crying. I demand a hug at least!
Ever cried over the opposite sex? : lol no never before
Do you cry when you get an injury?: I try not to but mostly cos I am pissed at being hurt, again, rather than the pain of it.
Do certain songs make you cry?: Only when I am heartbroken, I cry over the emo songs


Are you a happy person?: no. I am a moody idealist who is tries not to be cynical about the world. How to be happy like that?

What is your current hair color?: Black with shades of brown


What shirt are you wearing?: A shirt I got in BKK last year

Pants: Shorts which are very very very worn out. I am not shooting a mediacorp drama where everyone is dressed like they are going out


Been to jail: no.

Mooned someone: WAHAHHAHAH
Laughed so hard you cried: YA!!! When my friends tell me lewd jokes

Cried in school: no
Wanted to be a model: lol I did entertain that thought but looking at my height and low nose bridge, non straight teeths, non lustrous hair, reality set in really badly

Done something really stupid that you still laugh about: I don’t laugh at the stupid things I do. Pardon me for the lack of humour if you may.

Seen a dead body: ? just the cadavers and parts of what used to belong to a person. no I am not a serial killer. I was on attachment at the forensic department in SGH

Been on drugs: Is adrenaline considered a drug? It makes me high

Gone skinny dipping: Proud to say that I have done that. Not saying when.

When I am bored, I fill in questionaires

A – AVAILABLE: In what sense?
B – BIRTHDAY: Every day in February
C – CRUSHING ON: Damon Salvatore
E – EASIEST PERSON TO TALK TO: I regard Meekey as human so it had to be him. He just looks at me with beady sympathetic eyes.
F – FAVORITE SONG: My name is by Eminem
G – GUMMY BEARS OR GUMMY WORMS: Gummy Bears. Worms are urghhh, even if it was made of candy.
I – IN LOVE WITH: the person who bears with my moodiness, lets me go training whenever I want to and eat whatever I want to eat
J – JUGGLE: one thousand and one things in my mind
K – KILLED SOMEONE: not a violent person in that sense. even in my mind I have not done so, even to the most detestable people who makes my life a living hell.
L – LONGEST CAR RIDE: Bangkok to Phuket. or was it pattaya?
O – ONE WISH: one rottweiler, one bloodhound, one mastiff, one boxer, two daschund (one brown one black) to be living under the same space as me

P – PERSON YOU CALLED LAST: It has been a day of texting and appsing

R – REASON TO SMILE: I have gotten 90% of my shopping down for xmas. All in one day.
S – SONG YOU LAST SANG: I’ll hold a grenade for you by Bruno Mars
T – TIME YOU WOKE UP: 8.00am
U – UNDERWEAR COLOR: Red and white. And no I am not wearing the SG flag
V – VEGETABLE(S): Broccoli though I have taken to eating a lot of eggplant of all
W – WORST HABIT: my untidiness and ability to clutter things when I do not intend to at all
X – X-RAYS YOU’VE HAD: twice or thrice? Regardless of injuries sustained throughout the years, xrays are not my thing.
Y – YOYOS ARE: a fad

Z – ZODIAC SIGN: piscean. Ah the emo star sign

So as to speak

My Judo Sensei asked me if I wanted to go down to the National squad to train so that I had qualify to represent Singapore for the SEA Games. I didn’t even have to ponder the answer.

1. There is no fire left for that sort of ego feeding activity. I feed my ego in other ways now.
2. There are other responsibilities. As a coach, as an other half, as a friend. The responsibility of carrying the flag on the shoulders no longer lies with me and I want everyone else in my life now to lurvvvvvve me.
3. I like training at my own pace to my whim and fancy.
4. I have a dislike for injuries. They are starting to irritate. Training lesser days amount to lesser injuries. I can’t even say which part of me has not suffered an injury before. Just cos’ I really do not know of any parts that has not.

So there was my answer.

Regret? No, absolutely no. Been there, though have not done that 100%, I have done that.

Mr T

Mr T told us two things on tuesday. One, what is a technique and why is it important. Me being a coach, I do know the definition of it. It means the procedure used to accomplish a task. All along I have used that to tell people what it means. Untill that day when he explained it in an analogy that I realised the true meaning of it. A simplier layman way to explain it even. He gave the example of wanting to open a capped bottle. We could use our teeth and people with strong teeth could peel the cap off. The act of using the teeth is termed a technique. Using the wrong technique for tasks results in us getting injured or wasting our energy, like the way of teeth on cap. A wrong technique applied, as with using our teeth, will cause us pain and broken parts, which is totally unnecessary.

Alternatively, we could execute an action with the lest amount of effort even, with the correct technique. Knowing the right technique would save a lot of angst. The right technique in this case will be using a cap opener and in the absence of it, the edge of a table. Easier, less harm done, with the lest amount of energy used.

And then you apply that to throws. Right technique of execution= ease of completing execution= lest amount of effort needed= opponent on the ground break falling. Easier said than done. I will die trying.

I have decided that I will not focus that much on throws from now till I can get my technique of execution correct. The focus will be on the Kuzushi (崩し:くずし) aspect of judo. Like how doing control kicks forms the foundation of kicks, Kuzushi (崩し:くずし) forms the foundation of throws. Got it.

The second thing Mr T talked to us about was the Micheal Chang (the tennis player) interview he saw 10 years ago. In that interview, when asked by the press how he improved himself, MC said that each day he hit close to a thousand balls in order to get his technique correct and Mr T said that that was the way it should be, practise till perfection. The reason I could relate to what he said was because I saw that same interview too 10 years plus back when I was just a Taekwondo noob. And it deeply inspired me to do close to 1000 kicks each day just to perfect my kicking technique. Without fail, every morning, I would stand infront of a wall and did 500 control kicks on each leg. I wouldn’t say my kicks became perfect after that but there was no doubt it became far better. Up to what it is today.

I don’t see why I cannot apply the same reasoning to improve my throws. Though I need more than a wall for practising throws, I remember, last time I didn’t have a lot of equipments too and I improvised, with tires, walls and tracks. I could improvise too, in this case, and I will do so.

Maybe he isn’t such a bad coach to train under afterall. I am ashame to say I have let other people’s and my own judgement of him define him. Maybe I am saying this too soon but training under him, to me, is far better than going to a place where everyone is national level and no one is willing to share and the coach doesn’t really correct your technique anymore, just like how a uni professor does not tell you the correct way to do 1+1. He reckons at that level, you should know how to.

I recognise my technique does not do my belt level justice and I will do what I can to make it better before I go take on the giants again.

Go go go!!!

Last last week

Let’s go with a random theme in this entry.

1. I have not been writing on this space for quite some time.
2. I have been surviving on 3 hours of sleep the past 2 weeks.
3. I bought an iphone. I love my iphone.
4. I have gone into JB the third time this month.
5. I love google map.
6. I have vegetarian food at least once a week since a month ago.
7. I want to learn to make a kick ass avocado drink.
8. I have tasted really delicious lychee martini made by a friend.
9. I realised I have lived a really interesting life so far, after playing “I have not” at a party.
10. I have good friends all around me.
11. I know really bad people with bad vibes exist around me.
12. I still don’t have a close friend who has not been romantically linked to me.
13. I love the feeling of being driven insanely in love.
14. I am learning to be good.
15. I have TPY koi every week.
16. I got to taste really cheap yet nice buddha jump over the wall and sharks’s fins at lucky plaza


MBTI test

Cattell’s 16 Factor Test Results

Warmth ||||||||| 22%
Intellect ||||||||||||||| 46%
Emotional Stability ||||||||||||||||||||| 62%
Aggressiveness ||||||||||||||||||||| 66%
Liveliness ||||||||||||||| 50%
Dutifulness |||||||||||||||||||||||| 78%
Social Assertiveness |||||||||||||||||| 54%
Sensitivity |||||||||||||||||| 54%
Paranoia |||||||||||||||||| 58%
Abstractness |||||||||||||||||||||||| 74%
Introversion ||||||||||||||||||||| 66%
Anxiety |||||||||||| 38%
Openmindedness |||||||||||||||||||||||| 74%
Independence ||||||||||||||||||||| 70%
Perfectionism |||||||||||||||||| 54%
Tension |||||||||||| 34%

Take Cattell 16 Factor Test (similar to 16pf)
personality tests by

According to the test, I am supportive, comforting, cerebral, analytical, level headed, calm, controlling, tough, wild, fun loving conforming, traditional, uninhibited, bold, touchy, soft, wary, suspicious, strange, imaginative, private, quiet, fearful, self-doubting curious, exploratory, craves solitude, orderly, thorough, stressed, unsatisfied

wow.. My top four is actually 1. dutifulness (78%) 2. openmindedness (74%) 3. abstractness (74%) 4. independence (70%). lol. Is this good or what.

And I fail in being warm (22%) and I am half dead (50%)

Interesting …

Need I say more?

I am so in love.

I will say how everything seems oh so light headed whenever I am with you, how simple things feel so special when they are from you, how the way I long to just hold you so close to me makes me so happy, how you hold my hands and tell me how you like doing so brings me closer to you, how we can sit together seperated by things but yet not be seperated, how the first person I think about in the morning is you, how I am willing to give you all the patience I have in me just to stand with you, how I am willing to dance my world around yours in explosions of fireworks, how I think of ways to make you smile because that smile is absolutely beautiful, how I want to hear your voice before I sleep every night, how I would sit through anything and everything with you just because it is with you, how every sonnet, every poem, every song is you, how I want to be the one you call whenever you need someone, how I want to comfort you and tell you everything is going to be fine on a bad day. . . . .

Need I say more?


Though it hurts, like fire searing through my entire body, to be so close to you, I had rather be there with you through all your happy and sad times than to just be standing here.

“It’s not like love at first sight, really. It’s more like… gravity moves…. suddenly. It’s not the earth holding you here anymore, she does…. You become whatever she needs you to be, whether that’s a protector, or a lover, or a friend.” ―Jacob Black to Bella Swan on imprinting