Monthly Archives: April 2009

Let thee count the ways of cheesecakes

Cheese eating was not always a liking to my taste until recent years. Eversince I devirginised my taste buds to this dairy product, there was no point of return. though my fascination does not cover hard core cheeses like the blue ones, alongside it came the fascination for cheese cakeeeeees. Ever since the favourite person started experimenting with the works of cheesecakes, I have been at the good receiving end of the cheesecake manufactions. I see alot of cheesecake cook books lying around the house. those tantalizing pictures gives me a good feel. Food rarely tingles the nerve endings in me but these makes do and do it with finese. Oh I love you too for all the cheesecakes you have made for me. Three cheers for the SHGF!!! HURRAY!! HURRAY!! there was the oreo cheesecake. One of my all time favourite in cafes. Now I eat it watching Criminal Mind in the comfort of the house except 2 pairs of dog eyes surveying me and the cut up bodies. hahahaha .. to add, I find bits of other food in the food itself alluring in a strange way, like how zi char food is always my choice of eating if I had it my way. Cheese cakes are not for the lazies or the body conscious-es. What with all the butter, cream cheese and oreos. then there was the lemon cheesecake. from there I have learnt you can actually mince up the skin of the lemon to create a unique tasting cake. the two cakes unfortunately did not last a week in the house, what with so many tasters of the delightful food. Yumz is the word. The pictures speak the thousand words not meant for descriptions.

Uv blessings

I just want to say, I HAD MY SWIM TODAY!!! WOO HOOO!!! The sun was oh so bright and shiny today after we came back from Judo I knew I HAD TO (with a million exclamation marks) swim. The pool was calling me I could heard its soft soft very very soft call. Thank you sun god for the UV ray blessings that you have showered upon me today, your humble need-to-swim earthling. I am now brown with blessings *bows* anyway, so, despite gotten gymnastically flung left right upside down at judo in the late morning while recovering from the helicopter by Sulaiman on Friday, I went for the dip. Oh I love being in the water on a bleady hot day. Nothing beats being immersed in water from head to toe. I should really start saving for a mini pool in the house. Oh little dragon we have to go to the beach on Saturday with the poochies and my favourite person.

Not surprisingly, the whole of the Woodlands inhabitants had the same thought to immerse themselves. I found myself being surrounded by a pool filled with future maybe-to-be national swimmers, screaming coaches, tanned bodies and splattering humans. That is all so downright mood dampening especially with the coaches yelling at the top of their lungs KICK ALSO DONT KNOW HOW TO DO YOU CANNOT SWIM PROPERLY IS IT (would they be learning if they knew how to duh) and the kid(s) cried. What were the parents thinking, putting their child in the hands of such? The coaches really think they are training national swimmers? For god’s sake, the kids are there for leisure and fun don’t they know? *shake head* If it was my kid struggling in the water, taking in mouthfuls of chlorinated sun tan lotion saturated water and crying that he is scared, I would put the head of the coach under water, poke him in the belly so he would take in water, drag him up and ask him does he like drinking so much water and down him again, just to show him what fear is.

Anyway, that aside, everyone enjoyed the sun. We should share the sunshine yo.

I should just pool at the condo instead next time.

Our first celebration

Celebrations always gets me in a mood difficult to put into words when it comes to writing it down. No words I can pluck out from my head right now anyway. So look at the pictures alrighty. hahahhaha.. All in all, we had a good first post competition celebration on Good Friday, a day perfect for the mood. A really good Friday we had ya hahahhaha. Many came. Some lent their hands, some their pot luck food, some their laughters and voices. In these days, words fail me in a weird way. Maybe that is what’s normally known as ‘happiness beyond words’. Good feel to see everyone had a good time with the humble spread in my humble abode. The pooches too joined in the celebrating. They were all psyched up by the crowd who showed up. The evil dog enjoyed his self-proclaimed authority. The black gurl gurl enjoyed the attention deserved by a diva, not less. Between the two of them flowed snoopings, enthusiasm and barkings. So noisy *roll eyes* Not in negligence of his calling, the evil dog acted non-chalantly, suave and laying in wait for someone to not notice that fine piece of bone left carelessly on the plate. Evil, pure evil. Anyway, after the great cooking, we had loads of great eating and to tell you a secret, I am glad everyone ate to their fill hahahhaha because there lying in the cold recesses of the fridge was a box of agar agar which I plan to devour all by myself wahahahahahahaha whoever said evilness exists alone is sadly wrong.. I enjoyed the fried food best of all. The wantons were lip smacking wow oh wow. Must get Sjeting and Yong Seng to roll some more. *chants* Wantons .. wantons… wantons .. The curry was hmmmmm … *dreamy eyes* really love to eat your cooking anytime anywhere everyhere if I can!!! I sound deliriously like a glutton!! OMG!!!
To end this short short entry, the author would like first of all, to thank Gerlyn for the effort in coordinating the luncheon. All the feastings would not have been so taste bud tantalizing possible if not for all the planning and food ‘assults’ rendered. From the bottom of my heart, LOVE YOU LOVE YOUR FOOOD!!!! Next of cos, the second chef in command Sjeting for coming over to help with the creation of the food glorious food. Gromit loves you. hahahhaha … Next up, the young high spirited ones who lent a helping hand or two with the wantons, washing and cooking. So proud of them I can understand a little how mothers feel when their kids ‘grow up.’ Unfortunately, the emotions are not strong enough to awaken my may-be-dead-or-nonexisting maternal instincts. hahahah. tsk tsk tsk. Last but not least, those who came in spite of the distance (it being woodlands, the land where birds seemingly do not lay eggs at) and shared with us more food and brought the festive mood with laughters cheers and voices. Last last last of the bit but not the least, do not despair those who cannot make it. This will not be our last. The Eeoos spirit is in the air.

Light my fire

It should have been me lighting the cauldron. All that is in my mind now are some random Ps and Qs whose original names is too vulgar to be mentioned.

This video is a must watch

This video is really hilarious if you ask me..