Monthly Archives: July 2010

Stupid is an understatement

Once upon a time,a traveller asked the wise old men, “sir, may I ask, what is the truth?” The old man replied, “oh my child, truth is what actually happened and what’s a fact. The opposite of the truth is a lie, which is a very bad thing to happen.”

The traveller knitted her eyebrows and asked, ” dear sir, why is a lie a bad thing to happen?”

The wise old man chuckled and got up, dusting his robe of dust as he stood up, “a lie is a bad thing to happen because it hurts people, destroys relationships and makes everything good disappear.”

Now, the traveller was really curious, so she turned to the smiling old man and asked, ” then why was it that when I was given a truth today, I felt worst then when a lie was given to me. I felt immediately a shot through the heart that not spilt it but splattered it to a million bits, and strangely, the many bits of hearts felt like lead, as if my whole existence did not happen at all and all the two years I was searching for the real meaning of life and was about to make that final leap of faith, the two years were a lie in itself. I was ready to give my name in blood and be bonded for eternity to what I seek. But when I was given the truth I was instantly transformed to a place many avoid transgressing to. For fear of pain and suffering. I found myself in a very dark and cold place which I had no idea where. To make sure I was not lapsing into any dream state by spells, I took out my stealthy knife and cut myself not once, but four times, across the palm. I wanted to make sure I was not in a dream and to be jolted out of a nightmare if I were in one. The warmth of the blood that flowed out surprisingly calmed me down a little and the pain awoken something in me. It was a very fresh kind of sensation, to have your whole soul dispersed in the light right before your very eyes and it was kind of nonsense of me to do what I did. What was I trying to prove? Ah yes, I was trying to prove that I was really going to put my name in blood but of a different kind of blood treaty. I was going to put my name in blood to end everything that I seek. then sir, may I ask, in this instance, isn’t the lie better than having the truth, if since it hurts that much as compared?”

The wise man saw in the traveller’s eyes a pain which he has never seen in a mortal being before, the kind that tightens one’s heart rendering it helpless. He moved towards the traveller and offered a knife, saying, “only you and you alone can kill that beast that reigns in you. That stubborn monster that refuses to believe the truth given. The truth will really set you free but first you must set yourself free, for no one can do it, has the powers to do that, except for you.”

Without a word, the traveller took the knife and left. The old man sighed a little sigh and knew that even if the traveller did kill the monster, the carcass of it will always be around to haunt her. For now, for ever.

I should have known, when you still hold on to that ring, that you want the past back and not a future with me.

I wish I was special

I am slowly accepting the death as part and parcel. Now is the time to tell myself, I don’t only live for me. There are people out there who depend on me, look up to me, look out for me, hope for me. And it is for them that I need to get back on my feet again soon. I must prove that I am worth my existence. I may have lost my way but I will find my way back soon enough. Wait for me people. I’m coming back to you.

As for you, Universe, send your karma beech to me to clear up our remaining debts. And be gone forever. I hope I don’t do anything that’d require you to return.

When I spill my blood, it is a reminder to not forget the way I have been treated.

So very emo

the lyrics, simply beautiful. once again, it has completely captured the mood. on a rainy day like this, the music ampliflies everything like to a thousand times.

虽然你还握着我的手 但我已不在你心中

我真的懂 你不是喜新厌旧
是我没有 陪在你身边 当你寂寞时候

回忆很多 你的影子也会充满我生活
我并不懦弱 你比谁都懂
虽然寂寞 这会是我 最后的宽容

这一份感动 请你让我留在胸口
别再说 是你的错
爱到了尽头 是非对错
就让它随风 忘了所有 过得比你快活

What we see is not what we get

Before this, I actually wrote an entry saying that I will pick myself right up and get on with life, because I am not living my life for myself and that I am living it for people who look up to me, look out for me, people who care and hope for the best for me.

I should have just done that and not have that extra maneuver yesterday. Then things would have progressed from there. So much for being clever.

So I am saying, for everything that we have gone through, I found out that I am not even worth the trouble of being told straight in my face. So much for nothing.

Oh I tried laughing to laugh the irony away. Laughing choked up my lungs and knocked me out senseless. Aye aye, the sheer effort I needed, to do a simple thing like that.

Simply said, figuratively, when I woke up this morning, I found a table on me. There I was, crushed underneath the table. I really wish at times like this, that I had in me, a really mean heartless streak. Somethings, just had to be dealt with before it shits on me.

The five stages of grief: Denial, anger, bargaining, depression, acceptance.

One more stage to go.


Why didn’t anyone defend me at that moment? The thought just makes me feel very bad about myself. Now I know what I am worth in other people’s sight.


My friend told me just now, that one should not get too serious in love, cos’ if you are too serious, you will get hurt. And that is how everyone is treating love now. I told her, i always believe that love is the greatest thing to exist and that can happen to anyone .. and we shouldnt cos other pple damage its image we should do so too. Cos’ if everyone does that, then that’d be very sad. I even said, even if im the only one left in this world thinking that i will still not change my perspective.

Deep down inside, I know what she said is true. No one values love anymore.

But …

being the stubbornly stupid idiot I am, I still believe in it. Even at this moment.
That’s the problem with reading shakespeare at too young a age, you reckon?

I want to laugh at myself so much at this moment, that I am crying instead.

So… so stupid…


The five questions I managed to grab among the thousands floating about in my mind

1. How many emotions can one heart feel before the head goes kaboom?
2. What’s that called, you know, when you get hit below the belt without a warning?
3. Where do faiths get locked away to?
4. Are words just words and forgiving, a figure of speech?
5. Is there nothing that can drown the noises in my head?

Answers to the questions:
1. I am guessing a lot of. If not, my head would not be attached to my body now.
2. Unexpected intervention by fate.
3. In a cold place far far away I reckon. It didn’t seem to be connecting with me anymore these days. I want to plan a rescue mission to get mine back but I fear, it is either dead or left for dead.
4. No idea.
5. Let me see, I have tried drinking, which made me absolutely uncomfortable the next day with a queasy feelin’ tummy. Blasting loud music distracted them a bit but they came back when it is quiet at night.

Our strong points are our weak points


The beauty of chinese music is that they can so easily translate your thoughts and feelings into five minutes of play. absolutely fantastic.

love it.

Forgiving is just a figure of speech

The whole of yesterday my mind just went numb. A pin could drop and there had be an earthquake created by it. The whole event was cruel. maybe in a modern time like today, it could count as nothing a big deal of.

I wouldn’t discount the gravity of it in my head.

Anyway, I wanted to go out and paint the town red. Butter fac, dempsey, St James. Anywhere so as long as I didn’t have to be by myself with my thoughts. Loud music and alcohol to fill my head so I did not have to think about what happened. I was hoping the loud music will deafen my thoughts and if that doesn’t work, that the alcohol would drown it.

Instead I settled down at home with bailey’s, and vodka orange, in the company of Sjeting, Zhi huan and Jackson. and we watched some jay chou chinese period drama on Tv, commenting alot and as usual, gossiping. It was not too bad, the usuals, Jackson making all the witful comments, Zhi Huan adding in when the opportunity arose and Sjeting too. For that few hours, I felt like I had just taken a kick ass medication for my ailments and the medication was working. We didn’t drink till we drop. We just had a glass or two but the thoughts and pain were drowned pretty well. Thank you all.

Today’s training session was good. Punching and kicking the hell out of the mitts sure released a lot of feel good endorphins in me. So did the randoris. Always the perfect antidote for pain. Sensei lee praised me today. And he says he wants me to go for blue. No argument he says. No more Q grade for me anymore.

Though the sun was not very cooperative in helping me look a little less pale, I managed to swim three laps and relax a little with music flowing in my ears, for an hour plus before heading home for dinner with the folks.

So I sit here now, after dinner, to think of my three things for today:
1. Paul was wrong. I punched, kicked, threw today.
2. I had my first cup of milk after like 10 years +++! V my gifted kid’s mum gave to me and I felt pai seh to reject or not drink it. The milk was surprisingly palatable. It tasted like cheese. I was so afraid I would regurgitate it all out infront of them cos I remember the last cup I drank instigated such a feeling in me. I wanted to give V some of the milk but she apparently does not like it so she refused to take half of my full cup of milk. The mum also gave me a mark and spencer chocolate with marshmallow inside. The kid told me the mum is giving us food cos’ she is trying to clear the fridge. =.=””!!
I brought it home for bro. No like marshmallows. Nice tasting HL milk I had.
3. Having everyone around me. It helps. It really does.

Sincerity and faith are what I hope for now. It was taken away to a cold dark place and I am waiting for it to be returned to me.

Drama? Yes, that’s how the ball rolls.

The week my dad showed the world what discipline is

Disappointments are an envitable factor in life, they say. Nevertheless, it sure hurts when it sinks its fangs into you. you can feel the venom slowly seep into you and poison you internally, numbing you to all aspects of what life has to offer, Some survive, some wounded, some escape with scars to remind. It hurts more when it is given to you on a platter by someone close. Frankly, you can only expect so much from someone you so want to believe in yet it proves that we can never change who we are. So, what’s there to expect in the first place? Time to move on I say.

Note: have a good life.

*washes hands*

Except for that small episode, this week has been a good week. I have managed to clear most of what I have backlogged and I got good commendations on the grading that was on Sunday. On top of the good reviews, one of mine bagged the double promotion and did me proud, on his own merits. That’s pretty cool and I think he long deserved that. So so proud of the little fellow. It is a feat getting a double, not to mention gettin’ one when you’re already quite high level. He was a blue. Now he is a brown. When I announced that he got the double promo, he just buried his face in his hands, more touched than excited I am guessing. lol. The little ones are so cute.

My dad too made his debut this week. He finally graduated with a higher NITEC in nursing care, after a year of studying in the early mornings then going to work, and then coming back to study again at night. That kind of discipline, I find it hard to follow. He was one happy dude! and the best thing was, he actually scored good enough to qualify into the diploma program! hahahah now you know where the intelligent gene comes from huh lol .. but the diploma thingy would have to wait for a year later, when he finishes his bond and whether he is keen to do it. It is pretty hard work, going to class 3 times a week, till 10 pm plus every time. One thing is proven here, nothing is impossible with discipline. People who don’t whine, saves that breathe to keep fighting to the end. We celebrated the day with feasting at this Korean Res at tanjong pagar, near the red dot museum. everyone raved about the food there hahaha just wait till I bring them to the korean res at pasir panjang. They will never want to eat food court korean food ever. The food there, at the red dot one, is splendid in its own account. The one I love the most is the fried dong fen. So Q so … YUMMY … omg…

And Ger and I finally got our hands on the buffalo wings at Sunset Grill. We actually wanted to try a level 4 but was told that level four was chilli padi hot so we reduced a level to a 3. gosh. the flame, though not as hot as chilli padi, burned through my lips and almost made them juicy red and fattened. it made us tear like we have just ate red hot charcoal. We thought we could handle the 3. Hell, we are season fire eaters. Nothing fazes us but we were wrong. We got humbled by the buffalo wings. Next time there, we will just do level one. I have never eaten one part of the wing and huff and puff and keep spreading mayo on my tongue to sooth it. On that, I feel the wings are not as nice as the ones at buckaroo. Though the ones at buckaroo were level 1 and they tasted more sour than hot, they tasted better. I am pretty sure it is not the oh so hot chilli that biased my mind towards buckaroo. Maybe I need a second tasting at both the places. One thing I don’t like about Sunset is the houseflies. Eeeewwww… so many around, everywhere on our nachos and chicken wings. Seriously, they should do something about the houseflies ya. So disgusting. Not to mention immersely irritating. I felt like swallowing one to show the rest of the flies if they come near they die.

Last but not least, prawning with Ger, Leroy and Yvonne! Frankly, I dont fancy because I don’t really have the patience for fishing activities. I just thought to go and bond a little. It was nice. Anyway, the waiting game is not my game. If I was given a spear gun and those were giant prawns swimming away from me, that would be a different story altogether. I would love spearing them down. I love the aftermath. The prawns were cooked the next day for dinner with basil, butter and garlic. Mum loves it. So do we.