The new blue

Anyone can give me a judo gi. I can even get one myself. And I would love it as much but receiving a judo gi from a love one speaks volume to me.

I have always wanted a judo gi from my other half. As a token of love. anniversary gift. Birthday gift. A gift for any occasion. Whatever the reason. There was this guy in my jujitsu class who received a gi from his wife for his birthday. Imagine his happiness. Imagine my envy that the wife could be that supportive of him. Inspite of the knocks and pain. That is showing support in a larger way than one can ever imagine. I cannot even start to say how envious I was of him and how much I wanted that kind of support. It might seem silly being envious of something like that but to me, it was a huge deal. It was the deal.

I know that my past halves probably were worried when they stopped me from doing martial arts because of my high incidences of injuries. But they did not stop to think why I would risk all the injuries to practise. What I practise pretty much defines who I am. They did not ask me why I love doing what I do. Even if they did ask they didn’t understand. It was sad.

Well I have never stopped them from eating all those high cholesterol or sugar food which they love so much, which might kill them down the road have I?

So, nothing in this world will be more valuable to me than the judo gi that I am getting this year as a birthday gift. Two words, love and trust.

Thank you darling for the gift. Nothing speaks louder to me than that.

Nothing will be able to.

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